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The MeetingHave you ever had a close encounter with a ghost or spirit? If you had an experience, did it change you? I have, and it has greatly influenced both my writing style and my stories. I have had experiences with ghosts and the paranormal all my life. From the ghoulie voices to the apparitions that seemingly appear out of nowhere, I have shivered my way through. But this ghost story is one I will never forget because it was the one time a ghost wrapped his cold, gnarled fingers around my throat. I didn’t just see an evil spirit. I felt his wicked touch on my skin. That ghostly encounter turned out to have a golden mission because it transported me into the magical world of writing. I was seventeen when I found out it was moving day, yet again. This time, it was because my mother was divorcing my stepfather. The situation was exceptionally awkward since she was moving in with a boyfriend and had no choice except to take her unwanted luggage – me – with her. I was at school when my mother moved our things into the old house she had rented. Later that afternoon, she picked me up from my classes and drove straight to our new residence. I didn’t get a chance to look around before she informed me that this was my new home and that my room was upstairs in the attic. She said she expected me to spend all my time at home there. Then she shooed me to the door that led to the hidden bedroom. To this day, I can still feel the ominous shivers that ran up and down my arms as I stared at the steep, rickety stairs that led to the third-floor converted attic. But I already knew my concerns would fall on deaf ears, so I trudged upstairs where I discovered a drab area with small, floor-level windows, no heat, and poor ventilation. My feeling of dread intensified. I took one look at the room and ran back downstairs. I begged to be allowed to sleep anywhere but in that dreadful room. But my mother didn’t want me around, so she yelled at me to go back upstairs and stay there. And that was that. So I went back up the stairs with my heart in my throat. This time, I grimly noticed there were tiny, floor-level windows and no vents in the attic. Pulling the chain on the single light bulb hanging from the rafters in the middle of the room, I could see that it was sparsely furnished. Sheets and a blanket lay on an old, fold-up cot in the middle of the room. An empty bookcase sat in the corner. Sitting next to it, I could see the two boxes containing all my worldly possessions. The light bulb was still swaying when something in the back corner caught my eye. I took a step closer, thinking it was just a shadow, some coat rack or dresser. But suddenly, my breath froze as my eyes lit on a shadowy figure swaying in the far corner of the attic. Moments passed until a voice in my head screamed at me to run. Frantic, I stumbled toward the door and placed my trembling hand on the doorknob. At the last second, I turned to look behind me. No one was there. No ghost, no figure, nothing. Reeling, I fell against the doorjamb, questioning if my mind was cracking. But the reality was that it didn’t matter if I was falling apart mentally or even if there was a ghost or not. I was stuck. I didn’t have any other place to go, and I had lots of homework to do. I knew that succeeding in school was my ticket out of here, and I needed to focus on that. So I convinced myself that even if there was a ghost, it wouldn’t happen again. With new resolve, I headed over to the cot and sat down. The mattress was thin and worn, so was the blanket and what passed for a pillow. Looking around, I stoically accepted that I had made a mistake. There was no one else in the room. I needed to forget about ghosts and do my homework. So with a weary sigh, I made my bed and pulled out my notebook. Life would go on. *** The week that followed was nothing out of the ordinary. I even began to question whether anything had happened that first night. All seemed normal until I heard a strange noise as I opened the door to the staircase one night. This time, I wasn’t concerned. I was already getting used to the various sounds the old house was making and figured the sound was just a settling-in noise. Hurrying up the stairs, I hoped to get a strong head start on my English assignment.
I had just stepped into the attic when a small piece of paper fluttering about on the floor caught my eye. It was a corner of one of my English papers. Picking it up and examining the fragment, I frowned. There were no chew marks from the mice who lived with me. Instead, it looked like someone had grabbed a corner and ripped it out of my notebook. Then that strange noise came again, but this time it sounded like a low, menacing growl. Every hair on my body stood on end. I backed up as my eyes scanned the dark corners. Turning, I nearly stumbled and fell. I told myself that all I had to do was take a few more steps, and I’d be at the door. And then that mind-numbing snarl stopped me dead in my tracks. I turned with my heart pounding. I looked for movement, but there was none. I blinked and took a step closer. And another. It was then that I realized the thing I had seen was nothing more than a giant spider web that hung from ceiling to floor. My gut twisted in agony. My logical brain told me to calm down and be realistic. I had no other options, nowhere to go, no one to help me, no one to believe me. I had to stay and gut it out. Mere hours later, I would regret staying. To Be Continued… © Suzi Albracht, 2021
Erika M Szabo
9/23/2021 09:50:05 am
What a great story! It made the little hairs stand on the back of my neck. I can hardly wait to continue reading it.
9/23/2021 11:04:40 am
Thanks. It was really scary at the time. I'm glad I don't have to see that house anymore. I can hardly wait until part 2 posts.
Erika M Szabo
9/23/2021 11:35:04 am
After that experience, I bet you don't want to be in that house again! I have a shy but friendly ghost cat, I've been seeing it from time to time since we moved into this house 30 years ago. Sometimes it appears for a moment like a shadow with tail up straight, on the stair landing. By the time my foot is on the first step, it disappears. The previous owner of the house told me they only had one black cat named Muffin, he lived 18 years and died on the star landing about 40 years ago now.
9/23/2021 08:10:29 pm
Love the cat story. I wonder if it notices you or if you could befriend it. I'd probably be too scared to try.
Slate R Raven
9/23/2021 09:51:32 am
Wow, I’ve seen strange things, which brought me to join several “ghost hunting” teams 97% of the time things were easily, but when you couldn’t… chillsfest! I can’t imagine living in it!
9/23/2021 11:06:15 am
Thanks, Slate. I've been to various ghosting events since and I've seene ghosts since but none of them compare to that time. Thank you for coming on my ride.
Paula Mann
9/23/2021 10:54:05 am
Love this story, mostly because I have had experiences with ghosts since I was just a kid, and since the first encounter, I could feel their presence and some of them had been quite powerful to be able to interact with this dimension moving (and breaking... sigh) objects. With the one that is living now in this house I think (or better I hope) we reached an agreement, so it's a sort of invisible roommate.
9/23/2021 11:09:16 am
Wow. I like hearing of someone who experiences that ghostly world as well. It makes me feel, somehow, like I am not alone.I hope I never have another experience like that again. And I hope your experiences are always beign. Thanks for readiing and sharing your story with me.
Lorraine A Carey
9/23/2021 11:44:44 am
Guess the spirits were bugging you to get on with your writing or tell their stories. I can't wait to find out what happens next.
9/23/2021 08:14:07 pm
At the time, I was too concerned about surviving, literally.to worry about a ghost. Wait to see what happens next. I was so naive at the time, Lorraine.
Rick Correa
9/23/2021 02:30:44 pm
Very interesting Suzi. I’ve ‘bumped’ into a couple of unexplainable things, but not near as much as you have. I did threaten to haunt someone once. But that’s a story for another time.😎
9/23/2021 08:18:22 pm
Rick, at the time, I was scared but didn;t realize it, I wasn't truly scared until years later. Something else happened to me right after I got married. It was in an apartment we had rented. It took me a long time to learn from my Muse.
9/23/2021 02:54:19 pm
Great story.
9/23/2021 08:20:48 pm
Love that story. Perhaps you should revist that shop now and see if it is still haunted.
Cindy J. Smith
9/23/2021 05:48:58 pm
that sounds scary. I am glad you found a way to come to terms with it. I can't wait to read the end
9/23/2021 08:23:43 pm
Thanks. I didn't actually fully acknowledge until years later that it was indeed a ghost. I have had several experiences since, all of which were weird but nothing ever touched me again. I haven't had one for a bit now so let's hope I learned whatever lesson I was being taught. I think I did.
A.J. Park
9/24/2021 11:28:22 am
Suzi! The ghost is really scary, as is, as mom who looks at you as being excess baggage. That is a terrible way to treat anyone. So I feel for you being in that family situation even before the ghost encounter.
9/25/2021 06:19:02 pm
Thank you for your kind words, AJ. I'm cool now through. The ghost stays with me, the family doesn't. I wouldn't change what happened through because it opened my eyes and pushed me to write. It also gave me the strength to eventually move on from a family that didn't know how to love me. Again, thank you. Kind words are always appreciated.
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