AnnouncementAfter a long discussion between the GBBPub staff and our faithful judges, we have to announce with a heavy heart that we will no longer offer Literary Award Contests.
It has been a great two years and our judges rewarded a lot of books that deserved the award and recognition. However, the value of book awards has been greatly reduced by the popularity award contests that are popping up by the hundreds on social sites. These contests have no value because author groups are voting for the books or the authors hire click farms to vote for their books on Google forms that the contest organizers provide. We find this type of contests misleading because the books are not read by judges to decide which book deserves the award, but the winners are decided by the number of votes. There are still long lasting, prestigious award contests out there that readers trust but the majority of the awards posted on books lately are useless popularity awards that doesn't reflect the value of the books. Due to this change in how award contests are conducted, we no longer wish to be part of it. The winners of our contests can proudly present their award badges, knowing that our contests were done with integrity and fairness. We wish every author great success! Erika, Denise, and Zita |
SERVICESBook Cover Design
Custom-made eBook and print cover design involves reading the synopsis and consulting with the author as well as searching for the perfect photos to create a cover that gives the reader an idea of the book’s content. We'll create a cover by combining multiple layers, and unique title fonts. You give us your own photo or purchase commercial use photos, or we'll use our commercial use photos. We'll work with you and design your cover. Two revisions are included but we'll do revisions and changes as many times as you need to be 100% satisfied for $10 extra charge for each additional revision. After you pay the fee, we will contact you via email within two days. Categories
July 2024